Indigo J & Co is a website under development, offering reiki-infused jewelry and products geared towards supporting the healing process and building self-esteem. 10% of all proceeds will be donated to organizations that support the healing process of sexual assault and abuse survivors.
Some items are currently available on Etsy.
NOW available:
Persist Bracelets.
10% of proceeds for Persist bracelets are donated to organizations dedicated to supporting women’s rights and helping survivors heal.
Reiki-infused bracelets are made with:
* Leather Cord
* Vintage button
(To remember the women who came before us. Buttons will vary with each bracelet.)
* Attached charm with Persist hand-stamped on it
* Black Onyx
(To protect against negativity and support boundaries.)
* Multi-Size
TO purchase on Etsy, please click HERE
Donations are currently being made to:
The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization.
No Silence and No Violence, whose mission is:
To reduce the incidence, trauma, and stigma of domestic violence by creating awareness, providing support and empowerment, shifting perspectives, and promoting/facilitating systems change.
Read more about their organization here:
Four-wrap bracelet: $125 plus shipping
Single-wrap bracelet: $40 plus shipping.
One size should fit all. Note, if you have questions or concerns about sizing, please contact me after you have made your purchase through Etsy to request a specific size.
Processing Time
All orders are custom made and may take up to 1-2 weeks for processing.
TO purchase on Etsy, please click HERE
Would you like to support the development of the Indigo J & Co website?
Click here to support our GoFund Me account.
To hear Laura's personal story of overcoming trauma which led to the mission of Indigo J & Co, please listen here.
Please contact me with any questions.
Thank you for your support!